A shocking one-in-five Americans believe a “covert” plan for pop star Taylor Swift to help reelect President Joe Biden “exists” — a whopping 83% of whom plan to vote for former President Donald Trump.

Super Bowl LVIII took place against the backdrop of MAGA-world angst over Swift and Travis Kelce that sparked bizarre accusations that the pop star and the National Football League have colluded to install Biden for a second term by rigging the outcome of the Super Bowl, as well as other attacks on Swift.

The Chiefs won the game with a touchdown in the final three seconds of the first overtime quarter — which is apparently just what some conspiracy-minded fans expected.

According to a new Monmouth University Poll published Wednesday, belief in a covert Swift/Biden effort was especially prevalent among Trump supporters, but even among self-described independents it was shockingly high:
Just under half (46%) of the American public has heard something about Swift being part of a supposed covert government effort to help Biden win the 2024 presidential election. Just under 1 in 5 Americans (18%) believe such a conspiracy involving Swift exists. Fully 71% of those who believe this identify with or lean toward the Republican Party and 83% indicate they are likely to support Donald Trump in the fall. Also, nearly three-quarters (73%) of those who believe the Swift conspiracy also believe the 2020 election outcome was fraudulent. [Monmouth will be releasing a poll on the 2024 presidential election tomorrow.] It should be noted that the group of poll respondents who accept the Swift story as fact includes some people who claim to have been unaware of it (i.e., 42% of those who say the conspiracy exists also say they had not heard about it before being contacted by Monmouth).

“The supposed Taylor Swift PsyOp conspiracy has legs among a decent number of Trump supporters. Even many who hadn’t heard about it before we polled them accept the idea as credible. Welcome to the 2024 election,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.
The poll also found that Swift and her voter registration efforts are extremely popular, but less so with Republicans.

Biden had a little fun with the conspiracy theory with a pre-game quip in his first-ever TikTok video:

NARRATOR: Deviously plotting to rig the season so the Chiefs would make the Super Bowl. Or the Chiefs just being a good football team?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I’d get in trouble if I told you.

NARRATOR: Trump or Biden.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Are you kidding? Biden!
Watch above via Biden/Harris HQ and The White House.

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