Tony Romo explains the reason he calls Taylor Swift Travis Kelce’s wife on the telecasts

The pair are not yet married despite rumors suggesting it’s close

Kelce and Swift

Kelce and SwiftJulio CortezLAPRESSE


Tony Romo clarified that his comment calling Taylor Swift the wife of the Kansas City Chiefs‘ Travis Kelce was just a joke and that people cannot seem to tell the difference between a joke and a statement.


Romo made the comment whilst working for CBS Sports alongside Jim Nantz, calling Swift Travis Kelce‘s wife which fans have taken a grievance to for two different reasons. One is that the pair are factually not married, despite rumors saying it could happen in the summer of this year.

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Whilst a second is that Swift is far more famous than Kelce so by reducing her legacy to being the “wife” of a man, it diminishes her achievements and can be interpreted as a form of sexism or patriarchy in action.

But Romo was quite to clear that he’s just poking fun at the situation and that it isn’t anything more than a joke, whilst accepting that people do seem to be confused about the extent knowledge he has on their relationship.

“It’s a joke,” Romo said, reported by Brendon Kleen. “I know sometimes people don’t think so.

“Sometimes the humor doesn’t go over as well. But I think people take to it… People come up to me all the time and they say, ‘what do you know? Do you think they’re going to be (married)?’ And everything.”

Politicians looking for legal action against AI

One of the bigger news stories of late January was the artificially generated images of Swift performing sexual acts at Chiefs‘ games, a form of pornography.

She has been recommended to take action against the perceived creators, Celeb Jihad, by an attorney showing how dangerous it is to create what some might think as “harmless” or “obviously fake” images and news.

Thus, with legal action seemingly set to begin, politicians are also getting in on the act to try to prevent this from happening again in the future.

Representative Joseph Morelle, a Democrat from New York, has already filed action in the form of, “Preventing Deepfakes of Intimate Images Act” in May 2023 and has gained sponsors to get control of this serious problem.