New footage of Taylor Swift‘s dad coming face to face with paparazzi in Australia has surfaced — and while it shows more of the incident … it’s still hard to tell what happened.In the video … Scott clutches his superstar daughter’s hand as she walks along while covering her torso with an umbrella. Chaos quickly ensues … with Taylor’s security detail attempting to create a clear path to an awaiting vehicle for the father and daughter … who had just left a yacht after arriving from Homebush.

Taylor Swift and her dad return from a night Harbour Cruise

Taylor is seen blindly crawling into the back of the vehicle as paparazzi attempt to get a perfect shot. That’s when you can see Scott go around toward the back of the vehicle — where other paps are — and some kind of scuffle appears to unfold behind the door.

Again, it’s impossible to tell from this shot what went down — but you do see some activity back there … and Scott is in the vicinity, as are other security guards.As we reported … Scott has been accused of getting physical with one photographer in particular — identified as Ben McDonald — in an alleged altercation that the pap has characterized as assault. He went to cops there, and they’re investigating this.

Taylor Swift and her dad return from a night Harbour Cruise
A rep for Taylor told us that more than one individual was “aggressively pushing their way towards Taylor” … and claimed people were grabbing her security team, and threatening to throw a female into the water.

Taylor’s camp didn’t specifically address the allegation against Scott by the photog.

The cops in Australia note the alleged victim did not require medical treatment after the encounter with Scott. So … perhaps the whole drama will be shaken off before it turns into something more serious. McDonald doesn’t seem inclined to let this go, though

Time will tell if anything more serious comes about.